How To Create A Customer Journey Map
A customer journey map creates a visual representation of how a user interacts with your product that can help you streamline the buyer’s journey
digital marketing trends for small businesses
A customer journey map creates a visual representation of how a user interacts with your product that can help you streamline the buyer’s journey
A subfolder, also known as a subdirectory, is a way of organizing the pages on your website. They can be thought of as a way to divide up information or products, depending on your...
OpenAI GPT-4 is about to be released. It’s multimodal, which means if Google isn’t worried then it should start right now
Gain insights on various technical SEO topics, including semantic HTML, Google Search Console, indexing, and more.
Google has made the sitename, favicon and sponsored label live on all desktop searches, like it did with mobile searches last October. To be clear, we saw google testing this on desktop in November and gradually increasing the test...
We’ll take a look at the types of organic keywords everyone interested in SEO should know. If you just want a quick overview of the types, see the cheat sheet below. Read the full...
Here’s what personas can do for your content marketing efforts, plus audience research tips to help you get them right.
Not too long ago, John Mueller from Google blasted an agency for using a disavow file and now he is doubling down on that, adding on Twitter in response to disavow link services, saying, “Some people do things...
Google’s John Mueller said on Twitter, “Page size is not a ranking factor.” Meaning Google does not have anything specific signal that says page sizes of X to Y get a ranking boost or decline.
Some advertisers are skeptical that TikTok has the appropriate brand safety guardrails in place for its search ads product.